Percentage Calculator

What is

Percentage Calculator

This simple percentage calculator allows you to find the percentage of a value.

How to use the Percentage Calculator

There is 2 input fields in this percentage calculator.

One is the input field for Percentage and other input field is for Value.

So If you enter 10 in percentage field and 340 is value field.

It translate to "What is 10% of 340?"

The answer is 34.

What is Percentage?

Percentage is a ratio expressed between two numbers in terms of hundred. It is denoted by the symbol %.

It is useful to understand the comparision between two values. Its widely used in finance, science and many other fields every day.

How to calculate Percentage?

Suppose there are two numbers e and f.

To calculate the percentage of e with respect to f, the formula is:

Percentage = (e / f) * 100