Fraction Simplifier (Simplify Fraction)

Interactive Fraction Simplifier

What is a Simplified Fraction?

Simplified fraction is a fraction in which the number in upper part (numerator) and lower part (denominator) have no common factors other than 1. In other words, the fraction is in its simplest form.

How to Simplify a Fraction?

To simplify a fraction, we need to find the highest factor that can divide both numerator and denominator into whole numbers. This factor is also called Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) or Highest Common Factor (HCF).

For example: There is a fraction h / k

  1. Find the GCD of h and k. (Lets assume GCD of h and k is g)

  2. Divide both h and k by the GCD.

  3. The simplified fraction


Why do we need to Simplify a Fraction?

Simplified Fractions are very easier to understand. Its is easily digestible to the human brain.

Sure the calculators can handle the complex fraction and perform the operations.

But as a human being, we understand 1/2 better than 345/690.

What is Simplify Fraction Calculator?

The Simplify Fraction Calculator is a tool for reducing the fractions to simplest form.

Its algorithm is simple. It finds the greatest common factor, divide both numbers in fraction by the factor and returns the simplified fraction.

Real Life Example of Simplified Fraction

In Wood Working

I remember when I was working on a wood selling shop. We used to cut the wood in different sizes.

And the sizes were always in fractions.

For example: The customer used to see the wood and say "I need 3/4th of this wood".

They didn't say "I need 345/460th of this wood".

In Cooking

In most of the cooking video tutorials or recipes, you will see the fractions.

For example: 1/2 cup of sugar, 1/4th teaspoon of salt.

They don't say 345/690th cup of sugar, cause its hard to understand and even comprehehend.