Discount Calculator

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Simple Discount Calculator

The Simple Discount Helper is your friendly tool to help you figure out discounts and final prices. It's like a fun puzzle that makes shopping smarter and more exciting!

How to Use the Simple Discount Calculator

Using the Simple Discount Helper is as easy as 1-2-3! Here's how you can use it to save money and find great deals:

Option 1: Find the Final Price After a Discount

Step 1: Know the original price of the item you want to buy. We call this the "Regular Price."

Step 2: Decide on the discount percentage you want to use. A discount percentage is like a special code that gives you a part of the price off. For example, 10% means you get to pay only 90% of the original price.

Step 3: Use this magic formula to find out the new price after the discount:

New Price = Regular Price - (Regular Price × Discount Percentage ÷ 100)

Step 4: After finding the new price, you can add any taxes or extra charges to get the final price you'll pay.

Final Price = New Price + Tax + Extra Charges

Option 2: Find the Discount Percentage

Step 1: Know the original price (Regular Price) of the item.

Step 2: See what price you'll pay after the discount (Discounted Price).

Step 3: Use this simple formula to find out the discount percentage:

Discount Percentage = ((Regular Price - Discounted Price) ÷ Regular Price) × 100

Step 4: Once you know the discount percentage, you can add any taxes or extra charges to find the final amount you'll pay.

Final Price = Discounted Price + Tax + Extra Charges

And there you have it! Now you're all set to shop smarter, save money, and enjoy finding great deals with the Simple Discount Calculator. Happy shopping! 🛍️